Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Asian Development Bank, AGM, Hyderabad 2006

About The ADB:
The work of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is aimed at improving the welfare of the people in Asia and the Pacific, particularly the 1.9 billion who live on less than $2 a day.
Despite many success stories, Asia and the Pacific remains home to two thirds of the world's poor.
ADB is a multilateral development financial institution owned by 65 members, 47 from the region and 18 from other parts of the globe.
ADB's vision is a region free of poverty. Its mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their citizens.
ADB's main instruments for providing help to its developing member countries are:
policy dialogue
technical assistance
equity investments.

ADB's annual lending volume is typically about $6 billion, with technical assistance usually totaling about $180 million a year.
The ADB headquarters is in Manila.

The Asian Development Bank and why we need to bother with it:
Between 1970 and 2003, 41 per cent (US$16.65 billion) of the Asian Development Bank’s co -financed projects were for the energy sector and, despite a new energy policy of actively promoting renewable energy resources; in 2003 only 1 of 8 energy projects was for some form of clean energy development.

ADB role in Coal:
The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported “coal will continue to play a key role in energy mix. In 2030, coal will meet 22% of global energy mix, essentially the same as today”. Furthermore, the IEA projects that the world’s coal demand will “increase at an average rate of 1.4% to 2030” without further action to tackle climate change.

This year, the ADB is conducting its Annual General Meeting in Hyderabad. A large contingent of NGOs is also present, voicing their resentment at the ADB's policies in the region.
Greenpeace is also making its presence felt at this event, and this has provided a chance for Solar Generation members from 5 countries to come together and interact with each other, as well as take part in activities that carry Greenpeace's message to the ADB. Joining the Solar Generation gathering were a couple of youth groups form Hyderabad.

Day 1:
The day began with an introductory session to the skill-share. Participants introduced themselves and a review of the objectives and agenda of the skill share was carried out.
Next, an update on the worldwide climate and energy scenario was presented to us. Following that was a discussion on the awareness amongst the general public regarding climate change. This discussion led to a practical session, in which the participants were divided into small groups, who then went out onto the streets, interviewing people on the issue. Back at the skill-share venue, the various views obtained were once again discussed. This particular activity proved to be a valuable eye-opener to the SG members, and the enthusiasm shown by the locals in response to our activity impressed the SG members from abroad.
The afternoon session comprised presentations by the each of the SG member countries present, on the work that they've been carrying out in their respective countries.

Day 2:
Day 2 began with presentations by the Hyderabad youth groups.
Following that, Red Constantino (From GP International) and Laetitia (GP France) gave us presentations on the basic objectives of any campaign, steps to run an effective campaign, and the functioning of International Financing Institutions (IFIs).
During part of the day, a section of the SG members interacted with a journalist from the Times Of India.
The afternoon session comprised a workshop on campaigning strategies. Members were divided into groups, which then brainstormed on campaign strategies for a period of 6 months to 1 year. Once that was done, the groups presented their proposals to the rest, and fielded questions on the same. No doubt, several interesting suggestions and ideas cropped up that may help us build our Green Campus campaign.

The steps in running an effective campaign are:
a) Research and power analysis; energy consumption, cost and sources
measures already taken and the results.
b)Set a goal; (SMART- Specific, Measurable, Achievable,Relevant, Time bound)
c)Project your goals to the administration. If 'YES'...your victory. If 'NO'...start planning your campaign.
d)Make campaign plan and timeline.; Resources, allies, opponents, targets, timeline.
Step-by-step plan.
e)Develop campaign materials; Material should have information about the issue, the campaign, and how people can get involved.
f)Gather support from other players and get visibility.
g)Create a buzz/hype; capture attention, use it as a media tool, gather contact list for further involvement/future members.
h)Negotiate with administration again.
i) Victory!!!!! ; Communicate the victory as much as possible, look at ways of following up on commitments.

- Be creative and visible.
- Communicate and co-ordinate with other campuses.
- Develop positive relationships between the students, faculty and administration.
- Make your campus proud of your victory (your victory should be the campus' victory)

Day 3:
Somo (GP India) started the day with a small presentation on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
We then reviewed the previous day's workshop outcomes, with emphasis on sharing suggestions and clarifying unclear points. This took up the rest of the morning session. In the afternoon, we began our 2nd workshop of the day. 'Conducting Joint Activities and How to Build an International Network' saw several highly interesting ideas come up, especially regarding a new SG worldwide website and activities for the COP/MOP meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.

The entire skill share was definitely very interesting and loads of fun (especially the energizing games!!) Apart from the ideas and suggestions we were able to take away from the skill share, notable was the enthusiasm shown by the Hyderabad youth groups...and the possible creation of SG Hyderabad.

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